Stetson Today Tools

Stetson Today Story Idea Form

If you have an idea for a story on Stetson Today, please let us know by completing this short form. This will help define your idea, your audience, your messages and your objectives, all of which will help us tell the story better. Please allow two weeks for the story to appear. The more information you can provide us up front, the faster we may be able to complete the story. If you don't feel there is time to develop a story, please consider using the Announcements or Calendar of Events.


This tool is found on Stetson Today and the Stetson community can enter announcements through submitting an announcement. Follow the instructions to submit your announcement, which will appear on Stetson Today once it is approved. New announcements are emailed each morning to your selected audience (undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and/or staff).