Dean Washington Garcia posing for a picture

Dear Friends,

Join us in advancing a transformative project to build a new Performing Arts Center at Stetson University, benefiting both Stetson and our broader arts communities. We seek your feedback on this donor-funded initiative, which has the potential to greatly enhance our cultural and educational landscape. At this stage, we’re asking for your support by taking a survey—not for financial commitments.

This study will gauge community interest and potential contributions, helping Stetson assess whether a fundraising campaign could lead to a successful Performing Arts Center on our DeLand campus. Your participation is crucial as we work toward creating a vibrant space to inspire creativity, foster collaboration and elevate the arts.

Thank you for your support.

Washington Garcia, DMA
Dean, School of Music
Stetson University



A new Performing Arts Center has been a dream at Stetson University for many years, and we are now poised for the next era and even greater heights under Dean Washington Garcia’s leadership. The vision for a new center—located just east of Presser and McMahan halls, extending toward Lynn Business Center and closing thoroughfare access via Michigan Avenue—presents an exciting opportunity to further strengthen the international reputation and impact of Stetson University and its signature School of Music.

By moving forward with the proposed Performing Arts Center, we will elevate the quality and visibility of our School of Music by showcasing a dynamic new space devoted to nurturing current and future student talent, actively uniting faculty and students in artistic collaboration, and engaging more of our communities in shared cultural experiences and partnerships.

chorus singing during performance inside


As Stetson thrives, so do the arts and the broader Florida community. Bringing this vision to life means allowing the arts to flourish in central Florida and expand beyond our boundaries, not only to provide a remarkable training environment for students that will foster innovation and creative brilliance across the artistic disciplines but one that also will attract incredible faculty, students, and guest artists, increase our economic impact, and bring visitors to prestigious events that will showcase our new Performing Arts Center and enrich our community at Stetson University.



The lack of a state-of-the-art performance space has constrained our School of Music over the years. While our current Lee Chapel is a beautiful, historic setting in Elizabeth Hall, we have outgrown it as a main venue, and its inherent functional limitations prevent critical growth and strong first impressions.

A dynamic new Performing Arts Center will provide Stetson’s School of Music with a larger venue in its repertoire, carefully designed with new technology and acoustics that enhance the concert-going experience and immersion into the arts. In fact, this outstanding facility is envisioned to provide an exceptional performance space with the best acoustics of any concert hall of its size in Florida. This strategic investment would specifically allow for our larger ensembles and sizeable audiences, introduce top-notch professional recording capabilities and the ability to keep pace with evolving technology, provide ample storage and set-up facilities, and meet critical ADA requirements that allow all to experience the arts.

By investing in this vital infrastructure, we will demonstrate Stetson University’s commitment to excellence as well as ensure a bright future for students, faculty and our communities. 


Your support for the new Performing Arts Center is crucial to advancing Stetson University's mission. We cannot do it without you. This transformative initiative will elevate Stetson's reputation in academics and the arts, attract top talent and provide world-class resources in an immersive environment. By contributing to this goal, you will help solidify Stetson's leadership in arts education and community engagement, creating a lasting impact for future generations.

Thank you for your interest and participation in this study!

group receiving a tour in a museum
people from trip toasting outside
people from documentary standing close together in classroom in front of an audience

Krista Bofill profile picture

For More Information, Please Contact:

Krista Bofill

Executive Vice President and Chief of Development

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 386-822-7738