student writing on ipad inside a room, with her headphones on

The Sullivan Creative Writing Scholarship

Since 1995, alum Art Sullivan has endowed several scholarships for incoming undergraduate students who declare either English majors and/or Creative Writing minors and for graduate students who want a degree in Prose or Poetry in the Expanded Field.  Intended to support creative work during students’ time at Stetson, scholarships are based on prospective students’ creative writing and other work samples included in your applications: undergraduate prospects also contribute a “Why Write” essay. 

Housed in the English Department, the Sullivan Program runs year-round; it brings well-known creative practitioners to campus for readings and performances and funds a series of spring awards for undergrads as well as sponsoring a vibrant literary scene beyond campus in Burrow Press.  The program is a member of the nation’s largest writers’ alliance, Associated Writers and Writing Programs (AWP), and helps sponsor their annual conference. 

To apply for this scholarship, you must first apply to Stetson University via our Early Decision (November 1) or Early Action (November 15) decision plan. The application is due December 1. Please complete an essay addressing the question, "Why Write?"


arkee brown headshot

"My biggest shocker was being this small black kid from the south and being offered twice to attend "Disquiet" in Lisbon, Portugal. First time I ever left the country, the first to cross into international waters to write poetry with like-minded humans. Proud to be a Sullivan Scholar for the many reasons it changed my life in ways only dreamers could imagine. Beyond thankful & blessed for the Stetson community believing in the black kid from the Westside of my city."

Arkee Brown

Kelly Liu headshot

"Terri, who is the Sullivan Chair in Creative Writing, has an eye for gathering budding artists (your potential peers) whose works excite and teach not just a way of writing, but a way of being. The professional artists she invites to workshops are diverse in their practice, mannerisms, and backgrounds. Many of them are active participants in Florida's art and literary scenes. As a New Yorker by birth, I wasn't expecting how strongly Florida and location-specific writing—exposed to me by fellow Sullivan writers—would shape my writing identity."

Kelly Liu

Why the Sullivan Creative Writing Scholarship

The on-campus faculty is diverse and excellent. MFA director Brendan Bowles has won top Canadian awards for his fiction as well as a Stegner Fellowship at Stanford. Terri Witek has published prize-winning books and often collaborates with visual artists nationally and internationally. Lori Snook has a robust connection to outside opportunities in dramatic writing; Chesya Burke publishes Afro-Futurist horror in addition to her main scholarship. Michele Randall and Nancy Barber contribute expertise in poetry and creative non-fiction. At the same time, Ryan Rivas runs Burrow Press and offers an undergraduate class in literary citizenship and publishing from his position as MFA publishing coordinator.  The graduate MFA faculty includes a rota of diverse and award-winning practitioners who have earned both national and international recognition.

Stetson's creative writing programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels always offer chances for you to pursue multidisciplinary work. In the undergraduate English-Creative Writing minor, you may elect to count one class in other Creative Arts courses (art, digital art, theater).   The graduate MFA embraces all forms of making that include text.

The Sullivan Writing Program at Stetson University assists academically qualified undergraduate students with strong writing skills to attend the university. Preference is given to English majors or English Creative Writing minors with demonstrated strengths in creative writing and a high school GPA of 3.0. The scholarship is up to $7,000/year but will vary depending on funding.

Potential scholarship recipients must meet the following qualifications:

  • Preference is given to English majors or English Creative Writing minors with demonstrated strengths in creative writing
  • High school GPA of 3.0