Ally Training

Safe Zone logo Stetson University

Become an Ally

Participation is strictly voluntary. After completion of the training session, allies will:

  • Receive a copy of the manual (in either electric or paper form) and a Safe Zone sticker to post
  • Be able to add their names to the list of "Certified Safe Zone Allies"

Safe Zone Training and Ally Certification is available to all Stetson University staff, faculty and students.

What is the level of involvement required of participants?

We implement a two-pronged model that fosters continuous dialogue around LGBTQIA issues and intersections of identities, provides opportunities that lead to a more informed ally, and allows current allies to stay abreast of new trends and research.

Safe Zone Training

Safe Zone training consists of a three-hour course that covers basic knowledge and focuses on the role of the ally during the coming-out process, resources on campus and in the community, terminology and best practices.

Safe Zone Certified Ally

Safe Zone Certified Allies receive the Safe Zone training course plus supplemental (optional) breakout workshops. This option involves identifying workshops and sessions that cover controversial topics and other informational topics that lead to a more informed ally.

Students must write a one-page reflection after each session to qualify for Ally Certification.

Refresher courses are highly encouraged for anyone that has completed Safe Zone training in the last three or more years. Safe Zone Certified Allies are encouraged to stay active throughout their careers or academic journeys at Stetson University by participating in one workshop per semester every year and supporting LGBTQIA events as often as possible.

Training Dates

To sign up for a Safe Zone training session or for more information, please contact [email protected].