National College Health Assessment

One of the Standards of Practice for Health Promotion in Higher Education is conducting population-level assessments and using the data compiled to help guide decisions about programs, services, and policies on campus. The ACHA-NCHA (American College Health Association – National College Health Assessment) is a nationally recognized research survey that collects data on students’ health habits, behaviors, and perceptions. Topics include but are not limited to sexual health, personal safety and violence, mental health, alcohol and other drug use, and nutrition and exercise.

Fall 2023 Results

Fall 2019 Results

Applying the Data

We don't claim that the data is perfect or that reported usage numbers should be viewed as absolute. Data should never be directly applied to any individual student. The NCHA uses self-report data, and although it could be said that respondents lied in their responses, the NCHA is considered to be highly reliable and valid as a self-report measure amongst college students. There was no direct motivation for students to lie. If you have doubts about the data, keep them in mind and encourage your friends not only to take the survey the next time it's repeated but to take it honestly.