group picture of students from mock trial team

What is Mock Trial?

A Mock Trial is a competition in which students simulate a real trial. The trial concerns an official AMTA case that remains the same throughout the entire academic year. The case alternates between a civil and a criminal case every year. The case is entirely fictional, taking place in the fictional state of the Midlands. Teams consist of six to ten members, but only six compete at any given time - 3 attorneys and 3 witnesses. These six people will go against six other people from a different university. Teams must prepare both sides of the case (prosecution/plaintiff and defense) for every competition. This means that any given person could have multiple positions on different sides of the case.


Why Join?

Travel. Each year we travel for tournaments around Florida and sometimes other states as well.

Meet amazing people. Teams spend a lot of time working, traveling, and competing together. Members have become very close friends. In addition, everyone in the program agrees that Stetson Mock Trial has been responsible for some of their fondest college experiences and closest friendships.

Improve your public speaking. No other activity teaches you to communicate and think on your feet like mock trial. After you've delivered a closing argument to a panel of federal judges or been forced to improvise a cross-examination, class presentations and discussions will seem like a piece of cake.

Express your creative side. Some of the most important people on any mock trial team are witnesses. Mock trial offers the chance to develop and play any type of character, from a serious expert psychologist or police officer to child or drunk motivational speaker. As a witness, you can develop your acting skills, improve your impromptu thinking, learn about the law from a unique vantage point, and even experiment with costume design.

Spend time in real courtrooms arguing before real judges. No other undergraduate organization offers you the chance to make arguments in front of large crowds and State Supreme Court Justices. We've done it. If you join, you may get the chance too!

Succeed in life after college - regardless of your field of choice. Although some members of our team are interested in the law, the analytical and communication skills gained from mock trials are broadly applicable.

Build connections. During competitions, you have the opportunity to meet and speak to real attorneys and real judges.