United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Externship


* Not currently offered

Overseeing Professor:
Michael Allen, Professor of Law
[email protected]

Program Description: 
The United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims is an Article I court that was established in 1988 to hear appeals concerning a wide variety of matters related to benefits provided to members of the armed forces and their families. Students spend 40 hours per week working with a judge in his or her chambers. Typical duties include researching and writing bench memoranda, orders, and opinions. Students are expected to obtain their own housing in Washington, D.C., during the Externship.

Placement Location:
• United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (Washington, D.C.)

Program Requirements:
• 480 hours per semester

Eligibility Requirements:
• Successful completion of all first-year required courses; and
• Be in good academic standing.

Application Requirements:
• Submit a completed application by the appropriate deadline (for more information, see www.law.stetson.edu/clinics); and
• Interview with a judge of the court.