Cybersecurity major typing


  • Bachelor of Science
  • Major

Cybersecurity expenditures are increasing at a rapid pace as the rise of cybercrime continues to accelerate around the world, increasing the need for a cybersecurity workforce. Stetson University's Cybersecurity program prepares students on how to respond to the cybersecurity industry's staffing needs. Students learn the necessary skills for becoming a cybersecurity professional in this eight-course curriculum.

Why Cybersecurity at Stetson University?

Cyber attacks are the fastest-growing crime in the United States, and they are especially increasing in size, sophistication and cost. In this distinctive program, students have the opportunity to audit Stetson University and/or partnering companies — leading to a cybersecurity degree that stands out from other institutions.

Opportunities in the Classroom

The Cybersecurity program features smaller classes with personal attention and hands-on experience. Students receive invaluable industry knowledge, including a focus on both ethical and corrupt hacking.

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 Thomas Anderson '23 profile picture

“The greatest things about Stetson University's cybersecurity program is the hands-on approach and practical learning style that is important in an emerging field as well as the one-on-one relationships with the professors.”

Thomas Anderson Cybersecurity, May 2023 expected graduation

Malak Patel '18 profile picture

“I’m really surprised at how far we made it. … There was no research ever done on this. I’m really happy. … We essentially created a tool for anybody to use.”

Malak Patel ’18 Computer Science, talking about his senior project, Automatic Data Visualization, which turned numbers into graphs with scientific precision

Career Outcomes

Cybersecurity is quickly becoming one of the most important issues today. As a society integrated into the internet one way or another, we depend on these systems to work properly. As a result, everyone's data is at risk. So, it's up to the cybersecurity professional to protect it.

The world needs authorized cybersecurity professionals on the "white hat," or ethical side of hacking, who are acting just the same as the black hat or malicious hacker. Our Cybersecurity program will instruct students on how to stay ahead of unethical hackers and beat them at their own game. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, job growth in cybersecurity is projected to grow approximately 33% through 2030.

Cisco black and white Logo
Symantec black and white Logo
Palto Alto Networks black and white Logo
JumpCloud black and white Logo

  • Hala El-Aarag, PhD, University of Central Florida
  • Basar Koc, PhD, University of Miami
  • Daniel Plante, ME, North Carolina State University, PhD, University of Notre Dame

Students must meet General Education Requirements in addition to specific requirements within the major area of study. Learn more about the Catalog.

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