Global Development

Global Development

Stetson's new interdisciplinary program in Global Development transcends the confines of traditional academic disciplines — blending economics, political science, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines to study the underpinnings of global development and sustainability.

Why Global Development at Stetson University?

Global Development is a unique major — few universities offer similar degrees. The strengths of the degree are a solid core in economics alongside a broad set of interdisciplinary options that will ensure you are well versed in a complex field and are able to address challenging problems from multiple angles.

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Zoe Weaver profile picture

"When they say you will never own a house, say that’s okay. I would rather have a passport full of stamps than a house full of stuff. When they say the planet will overheat and explode before you have grandchildren, then say ... well, this is the world we inherited, but at least we are trying to fix it."

Zoe Weaver '19 Global Development, speaking during her commencement address.

Slavina profile picture

"The best part about Stetson is the close relationships you develop, on an academic level and on a personal level. I've been so lucky to have the friends that I've made and be in the organizations that I'm a part of. And the close relationships I've had with professors have been very impactful for me."

Slavina "Sally" Ancheva '20 Political Science & Economics.

Career Outcomes

Two types of jobs immediately come to mind: working as a researcher in global development and working for a nonprofit to make a change directly. More broadly, a Global Development degree prepares you for work in jobs in many career areas, including political science, applied economics, public health, sustainability, environmental studies and more. One career forecast: Employment of economists is projected to grow 13% through 2030, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Dolphin Research Center Logo
The Nature Conservancy Logo
Ocean Conservancy Logo
Global Taiwan Institute Logo

Global Development is an interdisciplinary major that employs an integrated set of theoretical perspectives from economics, political science, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines. In addition, students must complete the General Education Requirements of the College of Arts & Sciences, along with the Major Requirements.


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