COHL logo on top of image of brown hall inside

Center for Optimal Health Across the Lifespan

The Center for Optimal Health Across the Lifespan, also known as COHL, is an interdisciplinary, collaborative space in the new Cici and Hyatt Brown Hall for Health and Innovation. COHL was born out of Hyatt and Cici Brown’s goal of enhanced health education, and investment into the local community’s health care providing an opportunity to create community outreach experiences. The goal of the center is to provide easy-access programs for physical and mental health disorders prevalent in our community, to enhance the health and well-being of the community, as well as to train future Florida health service providers. 

The mission of the Center is to enhance the health and well-being of the community, train future Florida health service providers and facilitate interdisciplinary research and teaching related to mental and physical health.  

The goal of COHL is to provide easy-access programs for physical and mental health disorders prevalent in our community alongside practicum and internship opportunities for Stetson students as well as an interdisciplinary research site.

Annual Report

2023-Spring 2024 Annual Report


  • The mission of the SMART Lab is to teach and research the efficacy of stress management and resiliency skills with individuals from Volusia County and students from Stetson University. The SMART lab targets significant reductions in stress levels using biofeedback monitors and can be combined with self-report measures of psychological disorders and indicators of resilience.
  • Brain Fitness Academy is a cognitive rehabilitation program for older adults living with dementia. Participants attend three-hour group sessions twice per week, working with Stetson students on cognitive rehabilitation activities, physical exercise and socialization.
  • Care Partner Support Group is lead simultaneously with Brain Fitness Academy, allowing graduate students from our counseling program to lead caregiver support groups.


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Current and future programs within COHL aim to improve health outcomes throughout West Volusia, provide in-depth, hands-on training for Stetson undergraduate and graduate students, and improve opportunities for our students post-graduation. Funding would provide opportunities for program maintenance and growth, positions within the center, and supplies and equipment to manage the center.

Thank you for your support!