Florida Wildflower Demonstration Garden

During the 2014-15 academic year, the southern entrance to the Volusia Sandhill Ecosystem began to take shape as a wildflower garden. Hundreds of volunteers from throughout the county — Stetson University undergraduates, Volusia ECHO Rangers, members of the Florida Native Plant Society and others — have helped to plan, dig and plant a wildflower garden.

A demonstration garden grant from the Florida Wildflower Foundation provided support and funding for the seeds and containerized plants that have transformed the site, once filled with non-native turf grass.

Rinker Environmental Learning Center amidst a young manicured green landscape         A volunteer enganged in gardening activity

The Volusia Sandhill Teaching Landscape site in August, 2014, before wildflower plantings began; and volunteers helping with planting.

Volunteers engaged in garndening activities          Young trees and shrubs planted in neat rows, with each plant labeled in the soil

The Demonstration Garden in May 2015, as the first plants began flowering. Goldenrod (Solidago Odora) is in the foreground and Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) is visible in the seed bed near the top right of the photo.

What's Growing?

Below are a few more examples of what can be found in the Demonstration Garden to date.

Florida Greeneyes, Butterflyweed and Summer Farewell plants

Berlandiera Subacaulis (Florida Greeneyes), Asclepias Tuberosa (Butterflyweed, Butterfly Milkweed), Dalea Pinnata (Summer Farewell).

Florida Paintbrush, Coastalplain Honeycombhead and Coastalplain Palafox plant examples

Carphephorus corymbosus (Coastalplain Chaffhead, Florida Paintbrush), Balduina angustifolia (Coastalplain Honeycombhead), Palafoxia Integrifolia (Coastalplain Palafox).

Photos courtesy of Dr. Peter May

Florida Wildflower Foundation logo   Volusia Sandhill Ecosystem logo