Soul of Stetson

Soul of Stetson Logo

Volunteer for the Soul of Stetson

Alumni and friends have several opportunities to volunteer and participate in this initiative. They can join planning committees, assist with fundraising efforts, spread the Soul of Stetson movement awareness, share pictures and memories, or attend events to show their support. 

Sign up for Updates 

Attend and Have an Active Part at Upcoming Events

July 7-13Innsbruck trip – Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey with Stetson University to Innsbruck, Austria. 

October 25-26 Homecoming- Save the date, volunteer and get involved in the Remembering Innsbruck Documentary Premier and Hulley Tower groundbreaking.

Nov 12 – Values Day- Reconnect with Stetson and join us in vibrant discussions centered around the core values that unite us all. Come back to be part of an active dialogue about the timeless Stetson Values that bind our community together.



group receiving a tour in a museum
people from trip toasting outside
people from documentary standing close together in classroom in front of an audience

We are collecting photos for a public album on Stetson’s Flickr site. Please share your photos related to an Innsbruck trip or Hulley Tower (old and new) and we will curate them on Flickr.

We also welcome you to share your memories of Innsbruck or Hulley Tower by creating a Tribute Video or sharing your story.  

Share your Memories Upload Your Pictures

Spread the Word on Social Media

Share the documentary trailer and re-share on social media